Personal top 20 K-pop songs of 2020

A Aiman
11 min readJan 2, 2021

Following up from my top albums of the year list, this is gonna cover my wide range of top favourite songs of the year. Even though 2020 didn’t leave as much of an impact as previous years, it still managed to get some really good hits out in this rough time. Same note as before: it’s gonna be a mix of boys and girls and while there’s no J-pop, there will be a repeat by the same name and as it may seem unfair, it’s still my list and those are really my top songs of the year.

20. Golden Child - ONE (Lucid Dream)

Starting the list off with the end of their so called trilogy of music videos, ONE has all the qualities of controlled chaos quality in all the best ways possible. From the hard scratchy dubstep sounds to the funky bass in the chorus to even the tiniest bits of orchestra in certain sections, this song is the definition of a mess in all the right qualities. Much like the title, it’s really like a dream with all these components that may not make sense at first and like a lucid dream, you are aware of all these differences. But once you learn to get past how bizarre it may sound at first, it will give your ears a wild experience….much like how bizarre the video is but like I said, it plays into the dream aspect well.

19. PENTAGON - Dr. BeBe

While Golden Child may have played into the dream aspect well, Pentagon have played into the insanity concept just as well with the title to their long awaited first full album. Going even darker from previous albums, Dr. BeBe shows this very well from the haunting choir-esque beginning to the high vocal leaps and that AMAZING bridge. While this song may have been slept on, this song deserves more recognition than it gets for showing a new side to the boys and playing into an idea you don’t see all too often, with great production to add to it.

18. TXT - Everlasting Shine

I know I said no J-pop songs but this is a Japanese song done by a K-pop group for an anime….it’s more Japan than Korea but I’m still sticking it in here. With all the many hit songs TXT has released this year, the only original Japanese song they made makes it onto my list. Serving as the opening for the anime Black Clover, this song has all the elements of a great anime song while also having that K-pop flair. Despite me discovering the song a few months late, it easily became one of my favourites from them. With a pop rock sound in that traditional sense of an anime song with some beautiful lyrics, this is one anime opening I’ll be singing my heart out to….and maybe I’ll check out the anime too…haven’t seen it yet actually.

17. STAYC - Like This

From the legendary hit makers Black Eyed Pilseung, the creation of their first ever girl group has proved that they still have that special touch. While their debut song So Bad has got many people’s heads turning, it’s their B-side song Like This that has my attention. While people may consider this a slow bop or a simple upbeat song, this song has got my attention for some strange reason, even more so than So Bad and that was already contender to make it onto the list. It may be the magic touch of BEP or it may just be more suited to my style but whatever it is, this song has got me hooked since release.

16. DRIPPIN - Nostalgia

Woollim really brought back nostalgia in the debut for DRIPPIN and one that I’ll gladly accept them. While it’s in a modern context, Nostalgia is a song that really evokes that old school K-pop sound with the likes of Infinite, which ironically together with Golden Child are all under Woollim, and even bits and pieces of SHINee. With a very nostalgic sound, this song somehow made it onto the list despite how simple the song may be in production. Is it because it really evoked nostalgia with sounds very similar to old Infinite songs? Or is it because it’s really that good with it’s slight retro and funky sound that also made its presence throughout the album. Whichever one it is, it is a real keeper for old school K-pop fans like me.

15. Dreamcatcher - In The Frozen

The few songs from my albums of the year list to make it on here and it is one that does not disappoint. In The Frozen seems to continue the legacy and style of Silent Night from the Raid of Dream album the year prior but it improves upon it in many ways making putting this song in a league of its own. With its own sense of eeriness from the opening, it slowly builds to a satisfying drop that builds upon the one from Silent Night. It’s all great but once we reach an ethereal sounding bridge and ending it off by them finally saying the title in the lyrics, we get an amazing shift in style which serves as an excellent end to the song.

14. cignature- Nun Nu Nan Na

Following in the similar footsteps of Dreamcatcher, cignature has redebuted with many members from Good Day and much like Dreamcatcher, they have improved upon their past selves and created a unique style that’s tailored towards them. As they have released more songs throughout the year, they have constantly improved every time but this spot belongs to the wonderful debut song that could honestly rival against the likes of SM or JYP. With a wacky quirky sound and concept combined with dubstep sounding electro beats, this makes for a rock solid debut that laid the foundation for their own personal style.

13. SuperM- One (Monster & Infinity)

Similar to the likes of SHINee’s Sherlock and Cross Gene’s Black or White, SM has decided to give their super group a hybrid song and much like the songs mentioned before, they have struck gold and found the perfect balance between the songs. While both Infinity and Monster are great on their own, I feel like One has brought the perfect balance between the two with the epic super hero chorus of Infinity and the dark, grungy verses with surprising beautiful melodies of Monster. SuperM may have found their sound within the past year or so, but this song has solidified said sound in the most unique way possible through the help of two separate songs.

12. Stray Kids- God’s Menu

One of the more ‘out’ songs on the list as it’s very much not inclined towards my style or taste, it has surprised me the most as it very quickly became a solid favourite of the year. Between the really loud trap samples and shouted “DDU DDU DDU”s to the really chill and beautiful sounding pre-chorus, it has the mix of all that I hate and love and somehow made an addictive, hype and catchy song for the year. While I love the music that stray kids puts out while also having my fair share of misses in their discography, this one truly blow me away stylistically and has made me screaming “TANG TANG TANG TANG” all day when it comes on.

11. Red Velvet - Uncover (Sung by Seulgi)

While Red Velvet has been laying low for the year, the subunit release from Irene and Seulgi has definitely proved to be able to keep fans busy. The solo song Uncover from Seulgi has shown to be one of those minimalistic songs that people seemed to love so much but is more interesting than what you first listen to on a surface level. I may not be a fan of minimalistic sounding songs but Uncover is a great example of ones that are done wonderfully and shows intricate sound design. On first listen you may not notice much but with each listen, I discover something new each time through its simple sounding instrumental. It was already my favourite song on the album but the realization of its intricacy in all its layers just makes me fall in love with it even more.

10. Fromis_9 - Feel Good (SECRET CODE)

Would’ve put this song at 9th place to fulfill the pun but there are other songs out there that beat it. Much like the title, it does make me feel good listening to it and with an album follows suit in this style and energy, it easily deserve its spot on both my lists for the year. Most of my thoughts on the song were very similar to the one I made for the album but it should still be said that after such a long hiatus, they came back with an amazing song and album and it should be given all the love it deserves.

9. Rocket Punch - Lilac

For those who don’t know, I am a sucker for ballads and pop ballads alike (not acoustic ones though but that’s a story for another day) and this song falls into my taste just the way I like it. While having very upbeat and energetic title tracks, Lilac proves to show the other end of that well with a very moving, emotional pop ballad. As expected of Woollim, they bring out the best sounds when it comes to old school songs or ballads and this one is no exception. While Rocket Punch has yet to have their iconic breakthrough song, Lilac will forever stay iconic to me and my ballad loving heart.

8. IZ*ONE - Eyes

Act like you didn’t see this one coming at some point, much lower too than expected but still a real solid place on the list. While all songs on the BLOOM*IZ album were phenomenal, Eyes in particular has definitely caught mine. With its soft start, it develops into a very interesting song as a whole which is to be expected by the creative minds behind many SM hits, such as Andreas Oberg and Ryan S. Jhun. With its many twists and interesting progressions, it has proved to be an excellent start to the album and a song that has caught my eyes for many months.

7. Treasure - I Love You

I may not be the biggest fan of YG music, but this song has been the few rare exceptions that I love entirely. Treasure’s debut year has definitely been a real hit or miss for me with title tracks that I like at best with great B-sides that make up for it, I Love You has proven to be the rare exceptions in that case, where a song that can give severe whiplash on first listen just makes me fall in love with it even more. Acting as my personal equivalent to Love Cherry Motion by Choerry from Loona, it has the right mix of sweet emotional sections and a great EDM sounding pre-chorus to the biggest whiplash in the chorus with a hard beat and an intense rap section all bundled up within one aggressive yet sweet love song. This song may have some of the biggest musical plot twists in K-pop but it is one I will embrace fully.

6. LOONA - Why Not?

Spoiler from the last song pick and the album list but this really is one of those songs that just hits all the right spots in ears. As mentioned in the album list, this is the weirder, more fun version of So What with amazing choices of techno samples and the apathetic singing in the hook just makes this a real treat to listen to. While it may not be to everyone’s taste, you cannot deny how this song just lifts your mood a bit and makes you dance for the time being, once you get past all the weird samples and stylistic changes of course.

5. A.C.E - Goblin (Favorite Boys)

While A.C.E doesn’t come back all too often, they sure make it worthwhile every time they do. Playing with a mix of rock and traditional aspects, this song manages to be perfect blend of the two to give the boys the best possible comeback after all this time. This song is also proof of how much they improve each time they come back, from the amazing rock sensation of Under Cover to their familiar hard hitting electronic sound with songs like Cactus and Callin, these boys just manage to blow me away every single time. Even with quite meta lyrics on how they acknowledge how they’re people’s favourite boys and how haters have their songs in their playlist, this song does show that A.C.E really do have it all. This song is just proof of great song writing while blending different styles and making it one whole explosive track that is worthy of a great time to dance and let loose.

4. Weeekly - Hello

As rookies of the year, it is no surprise they manage to land this high on the list with an amazing and follow up album. However, the spot for them on this list belongs to the follow up promoted B-side of the debut album. Simple, fun and catchy is the best way to describe this bright energetic song. With very similar elements that describe how I felt when listening to Twice’s heart Shaker, this song has a very endearing sound to it that sounds like the girls are singing honestly from the bottom of their hearts. While they have other great songs like Reality and Top Secret that has also caught my attention, Hello remains on top as one of the songs that made my year.

3. ONF - Sukhumvit Swimming

Much like A.C.E, ONF has been making continuous growth over the years and even though not all their songs may have caught my attention, this one definitely stayed in my head since release. With personal favourites from them such as Why and We Must Love, they came back with a surprising shift in styles with the reggae, EDM track that exceeded and threw my expectations away. Despite me not being fan of reggae in general, it is oddly catchy with the background harmonies, excellent saxophone hook writing, and the waves of synth in the post-chorus hook. While it might get annoying at how catchy this song may sound to people who’ve heard me sing this out loud, it is a catchy song that breaks my expectations in all the best way.

2. ENHYPEN - Given-Taken

A surprising entry into the list, especially with a song coming from a group that I had little to no knowledge on. Not having watched I-Land, I went into this not expecting too much but was greeted with a song that easily blew me away. The right mix of seriousness and drama in the song with a very theatrical performance of the song just makes it blast through the near top of my list. With an album that is very similar in style and while the rest of it doesn’t stand out too much, this debut really captivated me with it’s amazing theatrical aspects of the song…..and vampires too of course because everyone loves vampires right?

1. IZ*ONE - Panorama

Now act like you really didn’t see this one coming, but it seriously is that good. I’ve loved all their previous title tracks and albums but none of it has ever blown me away with it’s composition as much as Panorama has. If ENHYPEN has blown me away with the serious theatrical aspects, then IZ*ONE has their answer to it just a week later. This song has the theatrical aspects but in the sense of being on a magical, dreamlike adventure that makes everything feel ethereal but in the standard IZ*ONE style and production that I’ve loved since the start. While the album has been just as great, nothing else has captivated me as much as this song has and this is why it’s my song of the year.

Alright that’s the end of the listings for the year and whether I’ll be back to do more may depend on my mood. Until then if I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night.

