10 Years of K-pop Retrospective - Top Albums of 2017

A Aiman
31 min readJun 23, 2023


Picking up right where we left off, the albums of this year were not exactly the most iconic or popular but as stated in the previous list, this is the year where many artists released my favourite songs and albums and it is especially clear in the albums list. Many of the albums in the list are still currently my favourites from them and have personally stood against the test of time in the waves of new music flooding the industry.

As always these are my personal favourite albums and are in no way meant to be an objective list of iconic and popular albums. I will also list my favourite songs from these albums in a loose order.

17. Weki Meki - WEME

Favourite songs: Neverland, My World, I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend, Stay With Me

One of the many post-IOI groups and with probably one of the more divisive debut songs, Weki Meki has already established their sound as ‘teen crush’ and it’s very apparent since the start. I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend is probably one of the more innovative songs to come out of K-pop, let alone a debut, and this has created a divide among fans at the time. While the song takes a more pop/EDM approach, all the textures, styles and even rhythms are constantly changing with each section being different from each other. After establishing a style in the first verse, the song slowly changes through the pre-chorus before completely changing styles for the chorus. Even the start of the second verse takes a completely different texture before going back to the established sound from the first verse. The song constantly goes back and forth between its established sounds and this is what has created the divide then but this is what makes the song one of the more interesting debuts to happen in recent years for me.

The album has taken a very consistent sound of mostly pop/EDM songs but still having enough variation from each other to stand out on their own in the album. Stay With Me is the most pop song on the album with that synth/dance focused sound and is more consistent throughout which makes this the perfect B-side to promote alongside the title track. Neverland is another pop/EDM song that is more stylish and laid back yet having a lot of groove to it. Despite how simple the song is in it’s production and composition, Neverland is still my favourite song as its simple production is done in the best way possible. Fantastic is another pop/EDM song but it focuses on being very upbeat and fun with loads of interesting synth samples and bouncy rhythms.

The iTeen Girls Special song, also known as Pretty Boy, is one that is very typical of those orchestral pop songs that one might think of when they think of the innocent and pure styled songs. While it may seem typical to some, this song in particular is very reminiscent of how second gen K-pop would’ve done it. My World is the obligatory ballad song of the album but nonetheless it is one that I still really like and appreciate. With all the standard elements of a normal pop ballad, the song makes full use of those elements and creates a very well produced pop ballad. While their sound has gone through various changes through the years, their essential style is still prominent as it was since then and this album is proof of that.

16. Akdong Musician - Winter (사춘기 하)

Favourite songs: Chocoloady, 집에 돌아오는 길 (Way Back Home), 그때 그 아이들은 (Will Last Forever)

The iconic brother-sister duo is back with one of, if not, their most well done and well rounded album. Starting the year off with an album that’s very fitting of the winter season, AKMU has created a more mature sound for the season while still retaining their style and quirkiness throughout. While not having an official title track and promoting all songs on the album, Last Goodbye is the song that has a music video to accompany it which will take over this section of the review. The song is a relatively simple and straightforward song but its simplicity helps elevate the overall vibe and production of the song. With a very vocal approach, the song is simple and warm enough to listen to in the winter season.

The album has a good mix of slower songs to help accompany the cold season while also having some upbeat, happier songs to offset the other half. With songs like Reality which has such an upbeat and quirky instrumentation that makes it such a fun and interesting listen. Incorporating elements of yodeling into the chorus while having a constantly moving instrumentation, the song has such a fun set of sounds while still being interesting. Play Ugly is another fun song that is upbeat and quirky. While being relatively simple compared to Reality, the song is constantly busy with its simple instrumentation and funny vocal inserts so it doesn’t pale out in the grand scheme of the track list. You Know Me is also another interesting song that takes on a more reggae sound but is still fun and upbeat. While not my favourite style, it is still an enjoyable and fun song to listen to.

Chocolady is the most interesting and different song, not only on the album but also from AKMU ever. Taking a more jazzy sound, the song takes many interesting musical choices with its guitar riffs and jazzy Rhodes to the funky bassline which makes this one of my favourite AKMU songs of all time. As for the ballad songs, Live and Way Back Home are both slower paced songs that are more sentimental and more akin to normal pop ballads. The former is more of a happier and slightly upbeat song while the latter is much slower but still has momentum to it and is very vocally focused. Will Last Forever is a more of a true traditional ballad as it has the standard elements while having the complexity and intricacy to keep it different from standard ballads. The instrumental and rhythmic changes keep the song interesting while all the harmonic changes keep the vocal writing fresh. This album is one of AKMU’s most well written and produced works in their discography and while they are keeping a theme for the winter season, each song stands out from each other and manages to work well in a track list and this is what the AKMU magic is like.

15. VIXX - Shangri-La

Favourite songs: 도원경(桃源境) (Shangri-La), 다가오네 (1,2,3,4,5), 우리에게 (To Us)

The concept kings have returned with one of, if not their best, concepts and music for this album. VIXX has done a variety of styles that shows the full capabilities of their skills but none has done so in the most elegant and well executed way than in Shangri-La. This song takes on a more Eastern traditional style while the instrumentation and production take on a more modern, RnB/EDM style that perfectly compliments the traditional aspect. With its wide variety of synths and traditional Eastern string samples, the song somehow managed to use modern production and somehow keep the stylistic concept in its sound. This alone is one of VIXX’s most well produced title track but the album elevates the entire style further.

Into The Void feels like a darker expansion on the Shangri-La, taking on a similar style and instrumentation but by bringing down the tone further. With a darker timbre in its all instrumentations while also being sparse, the song creates a haunting and eerie soundscape while also being greatly dramatic with its harmonic writing. This song itself completes the whole package of the concept Shangri-La was going for but the rest of the album is also just as amazing and complements these songs and create a well rounded album from start to finish. Black Out is the promoted B-side and acts as a great contrast to the first two songs. With a more electro-funk style, the song is simple but groovy and adds to be a sexy but fun song in the track list.

To Us and 1,2,3,4,5 are the ballads of the album but they’re both different in their own ways and act as great contrasts to each other. The latter is more of a slower, more traditional pop ballad as it takes a more sadder tone. With all the standard elements of a sad pop ballad, the song hits all the right notes in its simple but effective writing. The former song is slightly more upbeat and takes more hopeful tone in its writing. The instrumentation also has more synths and samples being used which differentiates it from the latter song. VIXX has created a whole discography of interesting and diverse music but this album in particular has to be one of their most well rounded ones to date.

14. ELRIS - Color Crush

Favourite songs: Midnight, moonlight, 열려라 그대 (Roopretelcham), Pow Pow

ELRIS is another new girl group that debuted this year and they’ve made quite an impression with their first two albums as they have done their own take on the usual cute and bright sound. While their debut was good, Pow Pow was an amazing follow up that really gave them their own sound. With an ear catching guitar hook, the song is cute and upbeat with its own sense of edge to keep it interesting while also interesting harmonics between its sections. While there are many cute songs being made in the industry, songs like these is what truly sets the style apart and keeps it varied and should not be a reason to overlook.

While the rest of the album has a similar overall style and sound of it being cute and upbeat, each song is differentiated and stands out from each other to really make this an enjoyable experience. Heart Bank has more of their earlier sound, with a more straightforward cute style, but it has a sort of mystical and fun undertone to it with its harmonics which already fits in with the rest of their discography. Wonderland Girl is also similar as it takes a more straightforward cute style and sound, even more so than their other songs, but is still an easy and fun listen to go through. Roopretelcham is much more akin to standard innocent and cute orchestral pop songs that pops up in K-pop but for this song, it definitely focuses a lot on its harmonics and whimsical style.

The last two songs on the album acts as the ballads and slowdown of the album but these are still very well done and fits right in with the track list. Farewell has the standard pop ballad elements found in most songs of the same vein in K-pop but this is still well produced and written. Despite how simple it is, it acts as a nice change of pace and helps slow the album down before it ends. Midnight, Moonlight, which is my personal favourite song on the album, is much slower but still upbeat enough to keep it moving and gives the album a sweet ending. With its simple instrumentation but still effective melodic writing, the song is a sweet and straightforward end to a very sweet and upbeat album. ELRIS has the potential to go further with music like this and its good to see that they’re at least getting more promotions nowadays.


Favourite songs: Summer Kiss, 잡아줄게 (Hold Your Hand), 즐겨 (I Like It), 어디야?(Where are you?)

CLC has made their return to my lists with an album this time as opposed to being on my songs list. They’ve been consistently releasing amazing and diverse music which shows off so many aspects to their capabilities and this album truly one of the best. Where are you? is one of their most different songs yet that would do well in the current era of K-pop. With its simple and elegant style and soundscape, CLC has truly embodied the retro synthpop style with full commitment. While simple in its soundscape and instrumentation, the girls still manage to pull off the song in a truly captivating way which makes this one of their most intricate yet overlooked songs.

Despite having more stand out songs in other albums, this album is probably one of, if not their most, well rounded albums in their discography. Songs like I Like It and Call My Name are more in like with what people expect CLC to pull off and these songs do show more of their capabilities. Call My Name is a more straightforward pop/EDM song that is very fitting for the summer and is a very balanced song to be in an album. I Like It is one of their more interesting songs in terms of composition as it takes these very standard dubstep and electronic elements but uses them in the context of more complex harmonic writing.

The rest of the album has songs that are to be expected in a CLC album but done in some of the best ways. BAE is a standard cute song but is very simple and bare in its production yet it never feels stale or boring. The song is simple and calm but is simultaneously always moving and busy. Summer Kiss is the true upbeat summer hit of the album and it does the job incredibly well. It is cute and bright yet fresh and upbeat without being overbearing in any aspect. The production is also simple but well done to complement the style its going for. Hold Your Hand is the album’s ballad and while it is a given for there to be one, this is one of their better ballads. Being much lighter and happier while also having depth, the song takes the standard pop ballad elements and turns it into something hopeful and bright. This is also one of the few songs to take advantage of their vocals and does so in very tasteful ways to isn’t shown in other songs. While this album may not be talked about as much, this album will still personally be one of their most well done albums in their entire discography.

12. NCT 127 - Limitless - The 2nd Mini Album

Favourite songs: Back 2 U (AM 01:27), 롤러코스터 (Heartbreaker), 無限的我 (무한적아;Limitless)

NCT’s main subunit based in Korea, NCT 127, has made their return at the start of the year with one of my favourite title tracks and albums from them. While they have improved upon themselves as the years went on, Limitless as a song has proven to be timeless and has stood the test of time as one of their more coherent yet interesting songs they’ve promoted. It is a mix of EDM/trap with a lot of interesting harmonic writing to spice the song throughout. Despite its darker and edgier soundscape, the song has enough changes to keep the song engaging to listen to and makes for quite an interesting listen even if it’s one of their more coherent title tracks.

The rest of the album has enough variety in the track list that is very definitive of the overall NCT sound and styles that they’re able to do. Good Thing and Angel are both upbeat songs in different ways. The former is more of an upbeat dance track that is suitable for the club while the latter is an acoustic pop song that is more mellow but still fun to listen to. Heartbreaker, as one of my favourite songs on the album, is a very interesting song as it has an electronic/synth focused production but is still quite upbeat and fun to listen to. It has all these little quirks in its sound design to make this a very busy yet just as engaging and fun listen.

Baby Don’t Like It is a fan favourite for many reasons and while it is a simple song, its production and writing is top notch. Having more of a chill hip-hop style to it, the mix of the rap and vocals on this sort of beat makes for an enjoyable listen that anyone can latch onto. Back 2 U, which is another fan favourite and my top favourite on the album, is a more mature song that is rarely found in a lot of NCT albums in general. It has a more mature RnB style to its sound and has more emphasis on vocals that is different from how ballads do so. The production is simple but effective with enough edge to support they style its going for while the vocal writing and execution is top notch that helps elevate the experience of the song. Limitless has been one of the more well rounded and definitive comebacks NCT as a whole has done and it is quite shocking to see the growth and development from this point in time to now in the present day.

11. TWICE - Twicecoaster: Lane 2

Favourite songs: One In A Million, Next Page, 녹아요 (Melting), 1 To 10, Jelly Jelly, TT, Knock Knock

The rise of the new nation’s girl group has been phenomenal and this album in particular has brought them to even greater heights. While this album was originally released the year before, I decided to add the repackage as this whole package of an album has brought so much impact to not only their career and the industry but to the nation as a whole too. The original title track, TT, has become such a viral sensation with it’s fun and cute nature in both its sound and dance which is what made it such an instant hit. Despite all its viral and catchy elements, the song is still well made with top notch production and writing. The follow up title track, Knock Knock, is just as effective and well made despite being less catchy. Its production is more mellow and stands out less yet its writing is what makes it just as engaging as the rest of their title tracks. Both title tracks acts as perfect complements to each other in showcasing and elevating the power of Twice’s catchy music.

The rest of the album has a good mix of fun, upbeat songs and more mellow and chill songs which are both very representative at what Twice is good at at this point in time. 1 To 10 and Jelly Jelly is more in line with what Twice has been showcasing with their title tracks. The latter is very upbeat and fun and its production has a lot of depth and impact which makes this quite a fun listen. The former is more mellow and laid back while still having that sweetness of a normal Twice track.

Songs like Next Page, One In A Million and Melting, which are all my favourite songs from the album, all showcase a more mellow and softer side to their music. Next Page is the most upbeat from the bunch with upbeat percussion and fun sound effects but it still has a mellow enough energy to make it fun and relaxing to listen to. One In A Million is more like a standard pop ballad with all the standard elements and writing but it is effective and gets the job done acting as a fan song. Melting is more along the lines of a proper ballad with hints of a jazz in its production and writing. This album has shown the two sides that Twice excel at in its best form.

10. Highlight - Calling You

Favourite songs: 아름답다 (It’s Still Beautiful), Can You Feel It?, Sleep Tight, 위험해 (Danger)

After leaving Cube and rebranding themselves, Highlight, formerly known as Beast, has officially returned under a new name and a new self made company. As their first ever repackage album of any kind, this album marks the start of not only a new name and era for them but also a whole new sound they had barely done before. Plz Don’t Be Sad is a very upbeat and happy song that is very infectious with its energy and melodic writing, being very catchy yet not being repetitive that it becomes annoying. While they’ve done happy songs like this back when they were Beast, the execution and production is nothing compared to how it is now. Calling You acts as the repackage title track and is also quite a departure from their earlier sound, with a more chill and laid back sound that is quite easy and enjoyable to listen to.

A staple of theirs is to have amazing, well-written ballads and even under their new name, they manage to bring a lot of that style back. It’s Still Beautiful is a classic ballad done in the usual style of theirs and while they have done this type of many numerous times before, its melodic and harmonic writing is what keeps it engaging despite not having much texture or dynamic changes. Sleep Tight is also another pop ballad done in a more acoustic pop style and shows a different side to their slower songs with a very different dynamic. The Beginning is also another slow song that has more dynamic with its production and sound design as it is slow while having a lot of upbeat yet intricate sound choices.

Danger, being produced by member Gikwang, acts as the obligatory sexy song that he is known for making yet it is not your typical sexy song. Having a more stripped down instrumentation with its prominent guitar line and more sensual writing and production, the song doesn’t attack the listener with sexy sounds but the sexiness lies within its sensual style and execution. Can You Feel It? acts as the album closer which is appropriate considering its very fun and upbeat style but is different from how the title track is. While the title track is more catchy and addictive, this song is meant for people to let loose and dance around and to just have fun. While they may have moved on from their usual dark and mellow sound as Beast, they have now moved on to a happier place and sound which is evident from this album.


Favourite songs: I Smile (반드시 웃는다), You Were Beautiful (예뻤어), Goodbye Winter (겨울이 간다), I Wait (아 왜), Man In A Movie, Say Wow

DAY6 has had a very eventful year with the Every DAY6 project, which has them releasing 2 songs every month. With such a hectic release schedule, DAY6 has managed to consistently release amazing music throughout the year, releasing 2 full albums which compiles all the other songs in one. While both albums were well done, my personal pick would be Sunrise which is the first full album that comprises of the first half of the series. I Smile is the very epitome of a DAY6 song which has the standard emo, mellow pop rock style but is best done in this song. This song perfectly captures the essence of the DAY6 style.

Most of the tracks have music videos and have been promoted but to save time and words I’ll go through my favourite songs. You Were Beautiful and Goodbye Winter are my favourite out of the ballad songs and they tackle the sound brilliantly in their own way. You Were Beautiful, which is arguably one of their most popular songs, is very much reminiscent of the traditional Korean ballad style but done in the DAY6 rock ballad way. Goodbye Winter has more of a traditional rock power ballad sound that has a much slower but more impactful hit with its sound.

Out of the more upbeat/high energy songs, my personal favourites are I Wait, Man In A Movie and Say Wow. I Wait was the very first title track for the entire series so it has the perfect balance of the pop rock sound and the melodic and harmonic writing of the usual mellow DAY6 sound. It acts as the perfect start to the entire series and sets the standard for what is to come. Man In A Movie is one of the more harmonically interesting songs as it is rhythmically quite constant and has consistent dynamics. Say Wow is one of their more upbeat and happy songs and it is also another song that has interesting harmonics and makes it more engaging to listen to. While there is so much more to say for the entirety of the series, this album together with Moonrise is some of their best works to date and shows off the full capabilities of DAY6.

8. JJ Project - Verse 2

Favourite songs: Icarus, On&On, Don’t Wanna Know, Tomorrow, Today (내일, 오늘), Find You

JJ Project was one of the origins for GOT7 as two of the members originated from here before being added into the boy band we know today. After 5 long years since their last activity, they have finally made their comeback as a unit with a complete change of sound and style. Tomorrow, Today is a song that is definitely more mature compared to their debut and takes on a more realistic and relatable approach. With a mellow, pop rock style to its sound, the song is overall very calming yet still engaging to listen to which showcases how the duo has grown in the 5 year gap.

The rest of the album also takes on a similar style, with it being more mature and grown but does so in different styles of production and genres. Coming Home, Icarus and Find You take on a similar style in their production and instrumental but executes it differently. Coming Home is very consistent with its mellow but punchy instrumental, with slight hints of a funky bass and electronic elements. Find You is more poppy in its sound but still retains its more calm and mellow soundscape, finding a balance between the two ends of the spectrum. Icarus, being my favourite on the album, executes the mellow pop sound the best in my ears. While not doing anything outstanding in particular, it executes the sound and production the best as the mellow sounds start to open up and feel free as the song progresses and does so without any jarring effects.

On&On and Don’t Wanna Know take a more R&B style in its mellow style. The former being the most poppy on the album with a slight edge into the EDM territory while latter song leans more into the slow R&B territory. The duo also have a solo song each that is very representative of their producing and writing styles. Jinyoung’s solo, The Day, is a slow acoustic pop song while JB’s solo, Fade Away, is more of an R&B song. Overall, the album as a whole is a departure from what GOT7 has done as a whole and while it is expected for the sub unit to be different from the main group, it is still a welcome change to see how JJ Project has grown in their sound not only from their debut back in 2012, but also from GOT7.

7. SHINee - Five

Favourite songs: Diamond Sky, Winter Wonderland, Become Undone, Nothing To Lose, Melody, 「君のせいで」

Being the last album ever with all 5 members present, Five is seen as a special album of sorts as this was Jonghyun’s last album before his passing. Even without this fact in mind, this album is one of their best Japanese albums to date with a wide variety of sounds and styles, all done in the best way possible.

The album has 3 main singles and the real title track to accompany it is Get The Treasure. This song is one of their best attempts at doing a pop-funk sound, done with a more modern production and is overall a fun listen. Kimi No Seide is the first single for the album and while Get The Treasure is their best attempt at po-funk, this song is my favourite attempt from them. Leaning more into the pop, the melodic and harmonic writing for the song is wonderful and is well crafted to accompany the style. Winter Wonderland is the last single for the album and is my favourite out of the three, being a pop ballad perfect to accompany the winter season.

The rest of the album takes a similar style as the singles but is laid out in a more sequential order that is quite fitting. Gentleman and Mr. Right Guy is fully funky and upbeat, with some electronic elements to spice up the listening experience. ABOAB is more electro-funk with its production while Do Me Right is more fun and happy while keeping the energy levels slightly lower than the rest. The second half of the album is where my favourite songs are and where I believe the album truly shines.

Become Undone is the start of this peak as this song takes a more EDM approach in its instrumental and where the production has more weight and punch without throwing the dynamic of the album off. Nothing To Lose is more of a pop rock song that has a lot of edge to its instrumental but the melodic writing is what helps it blend well with the rest of the album. Melody is the ballad of the album and while it has all the standard elements, it still stands out in the way that SHINee ballads do where its production and writing is top notch as always. Diamond Sky, my favourite song, is where the album ends on a peak and closes it off in the most bittersweet way possible. It is a standard pop song that is very cheerful and happy but there is a melancholic undertone to its writing that lets it feel much sadder than it actually is. As bittersweet as it is for this to be their last album as 5, we can still remember and rejoice over how amazing their music is despite the events that happened.

6. Red Velvet - Rookie

Favourite songs: Talk To Me, Body Talk, Happily Ever After, Little Little

Red Velvet continues to have a very eventful year in 2017 with many hit songs and albums and while many people would have picked the others, my personal choice would be the infamous Rookie album. While the song received many mixed reviews, I personally loved how fun and wacky the song as a whole is. The repeated high pitched chanting in the chorus may have gotten on people’s nerves for the most part but I oddly enjoy it as I feel like it adds a weird layer of quirk and personality. The instrumental and production of the song is nothing short of amazing as it has dynamics and the harmonic writing complements the song really well.

While the album mostly focuses on their red side of their sound, the songs still manages to make use of both styles and bring a good variety to the listening experience. Happily Ever After is very much the standard red style of Red Velvet as it is not only upbeat and fun but has that iconic weirdness they’re known for. The melodic and harmonic writing is top notch as expected and is brought out in amazing ways in this song. Talk To Me is another bright pop song that is very reminiscent of American pop music with its style and production. While not as weird and upbeat as many other red style songs, this still makes for a very fun and enjoyable listen.

Little Little and Last Love are both on the slower side but it doesn’t take away from the experience as a whole. The former is a more mellow pop song that still has movement in its sound while the latter, being Wendy’s solo, is a standard ballad which acts as a great way to end the album. Body Talk is the sort of standout song for the album as it takes a more mature sound that they’ve yet to do at that point in time. Being a more R&B/pop song, the writing and production is very much unlike anything the girls have done, the closest being The Velvet album done the year prior. While Rookie may not be everyone’s cup of tea as a title track, the album is something people shouldn’t overlook as there are a lot of hidden gems during this era.

5. Astro - Dream Part.01

Favourite songs: Your Smile (니가 웃잖아), Because It’s You (너라서), Dream Night, Baby, Every Minute

ASTRO has had an amazing track record for upbeat, cute and fun music and this album is no exception. This is some of, if not the best, example of what upbeat and cute music has to offer. The title track, Baby, is upbeat pop music at its prime with amazing production and writing to back it up. While not one of their best so to say, this is one of their most well rounded title tracks to date.

It wouldn’t be an ASTRO album if there isn’t any other cute songs as B-sides and this is some of their best happy and cute music they’ve ever done. Dreams Come True is a great opening song as not only does it set the tone of the album, it is just an overall fun listen, taking some pop/EDM elements and creating a fun experience from it. You Smile, being my favourite song, is just pure pop at its finest. The production and writing is very standard but it is the very best of that standard, making sure that all elements are at their very best. It is a simple song which makes it hard to explain why I love this song a lot so I highly recommend a listen to get an idea of what I mean. Dream Night is another song which is pure pop at its finest, leaning more on the pop/EDM territory when it comes to its production and instrumental which makes it easier to explain. Every Minute is yet another song which is pure pop music at its peak like the previous two but combines elements of pop, EDM and little hints of funk in its production which builds up from the songs before and acts as a perfect closing song to the album.

ASTRO also has amazing ballads which should never be ignored. Because It’s You is one of my favourite ballads from them and for good reason. While it has all the standard elements a pop ballad has, it has the dynamics down perfectly and plays the balance of pop and ballad perfectly despite leaning more into the ballad side. The writing and production is perfectly executed and the arch of the song is well done. Lie is the other ballad on the album and while not as well executed or produced as Because It’s You, it is still a well done song. There is a more grandiose style to its sound but without the weight of a normal pop ballad leaving it very suspended simultaneously. While not a traditional ballad in any way, I’ll Be There is much more of a slower song despite it being happy and upbeat. Being an acoustic pop song, it naturally lends itself to the slower territory but it plays the balance of the two styles that ASTRO is amazing at being upbeat songs and ballads. This album is the epitome of peak cute music from them and while they’ve matured and grown from this over time, this will forever stay as one of their most perfectly done albums in their entire discography.

4. Apink - Pink Stories

Favourite songs: ぱぴぷぺPON!, もっとGO!GO!, Darling, ダリア (Dahlia), Hello Hello, Bye Bye, Orion

Apink has consistently released amazing music through the years and while I do enjoy a lot of their releases, none of them managed to really blow me away in a long while until this album released. Despite being a Japanese album, this is easily some of the best they’ve done in a long while. As with many other Japanese albums, there are multiple singles promoted so similar to those I will only talk about my favourite songs from the album and may miss out on mentioning the others.

Bye Bye, being the first promoted single from the album, is surprisingly quite mellow compared to many of their other songs but is still upbeat enough to be used for promotions. Stylistically it is more neutral, not being too mature in its sound but still having subtle hints of Apink’s upbeat nature in it. Motto Go Go is more in line with the fun, upbeat nature of most of their title tracks but with the slight edge added in many aspects. While the production and writing is interesting enough on its own, it also has the added elements of EDM and dubstep sprinkled in which gives the song some variety without being too jarring. Orion is the one that leans into Apink’s mature side the most as it is more mellow than Bye Bye and isn’t quite upbeat enough to be promoted like a typical title track. The combination of all three singles create an interesting listening experience that perfectly complements the rest of the album.

Hello Hello acts as the perfect opening song as it is fun, upbeat and is overall just an enjoyable listening experience without going overboard. Darling is one of the more different songs on the album as while it is still a normal pop song, it leans more towards a synth focused instrumental and its melodic writing makes up for the rest of the song being more on the simple side. Dahlia is similar in this regard as it is also a pop song focused on its synth instrumental but the overall production has more dynamics and has more going on in the track overall. PapipupePON is my favourite song on the album simply because it is the literal epitome of fun in one single song. It has this upbeat energy that is high tension without doing too much and something you can let loose too. This album is just a collection of the sounds Apink does best and these songs are some of the best examples you can find despite it being a Japanese album.

3. EXO - Universe

Favourite songs: Been Through, Fall, Stay, Universe, Lights Out

EXO has had an exponential increase in popularity and music as their albums have gotten better and better over the last few years. While not appearing on my lists, their music has been consistently amazing though not enough to break through onto my yearly lists. However, with the release of The War: The Power of Music and the Universe album, this has been one of the strongest years for their music but as much as I love the former, the Universe album is personally my pick for this list.

Universe is probably one of their most well done ballads ever, winter ballads at that, as not only is it well written and composed but it also perfectly captures the winter season through its sound. The instrumentation and composition has enough dynamics to make it an interesting listen while also sounding very warm and comforting which is needed for the season. While the album is mostly ballads and slower songs, the songs are all very distinct from each other while also having their own take on how a winter sound would be.

Good Night and Lights Out are the only other pure ballads on the album and while similar in genre, they take on different styles which fit the season well. The former is more of an R&B/ballad sound that is reminiscent of the early 2000’s while the latter is more of a standard pop ballad with some very interesting harmonic writing. Been Through, my personal favourite on the album, is probably the most upbeat on the album as it takes on a more R&B/pop style which gives it some momentum but not too much that it flips the style of the album. Stay is more of a chill-hop type song as it also has an R&B type sound but more laid back but still forward moving to give it some groove. Fall is the most interesting in my ears as it starts off as a normal acoustic pop song but the chorus is the only jarring section of the song. It almost goes into a beat drop with the harmonies and the bass synth but it is still very light and somehow blends well with the rest of the song and album.

While I wish I had included some older EXO songs and albums between this list and 2013, I can still appreciate and write about the ones that did make it and I have a newfound appreciation for this album as a whole. While they have made more impressive and iconic songs before and after this album, Universe remains as one of their best albums in my books despite being a winter album which would lead to it being overlooked for the most part. That doesn’t stop me from giving this album high praise and is an album more people should listen to.

2. Lovelyz - Now, We

Favourite songs: 지금, 우리 (Now, We), The (Lee Mi-Joo & Ryu Su-Jeong & Jeong Ye-In), Emotion, 똑똑 (Knock Knock), Hide and Seek (숨바꼭질), 새벽별(Babysoul & Kei & JIN)

For the 4th year in a row, Lovelyz has consistently appeared on my albums list with amazing music that has an inherent style that belongs to them while also evolving their sound without changing up their sound or being too repetitive. WoW is the main title track of the album and while it has the signature cute Lovelyz style and sound, it still manages to spice things up in its composition and production. It has hints of funk sprinkled throughout its composition and its harmonic writing keeps the song fresh. Now, We is the repackage title track and while it falls back into a more familiar style and sound, it is done in the best way possible. A standard cute, pop song with the best production making it sound clean and hits all the right spots in a song like this.

Cameo, Emotion, Knock Knock, Hide and Seek and Aya make up the cute half of the album where it follows a familiar style of the signature sound they’re known for. Cameo, Knock Knock and Aya is more of the upbeat synthpop style Lovelyz excels at doing and these few are no exception. Emotion and Hide and Seek deviate from that as the latter is very orchestral pop focused while the former is more laid back but still upbeat enough to be a pop song. First Snow and Night and Day are the slower songs of the album but both still different from each other. The former is more swung and acoustic focused while the latter is more jazzy and R&B focused.

This album is also the only album of theirs to feature unit songs, all with distinct sounds and fitting lineups. Morning Star is a ballad that features all three of the main vocals and while it is expected for them to do so, it still well written and executed. My Little Lover features members Ji-ae and Ji-soo and the song is a very simple acoustic song that is able to comfortably show off their vocal abilities in ways that fit them. The, which features members Mi-joo, Su-jeong and Ye-in, is my favourite unit song as not only is it a song that suits the members perfectly but is also a more pop rock song, leaning towards pop, which is something Lovelyz has yet to do. I had a lot of expectations for this album, being their second full album, and they managed to create such a well rounded listening experience that it became extremely hard for them to top this.

1. Monsta X - Shine Forever

Favourite songs: Shine Forever, Incomparable (넘사벽), Miss You, 5:14 (Last Page), Calm Down, Oi, Need U (니가 필요해), 아름다워 (Beautiful)

Monsta X has also been one of those groups who has consistently released amazing music and they consistently get better each time. This album is the peak of what their music has evolved to and it strikes the perfect balance between the styles they’ve been doing for their title tracks and exploring other styles. Beautiful is the main title track for the album and this track perfectly captures all the strengths of not only their skills but their sound as a whole. The EDM/synth instrumentation of the song is not only intense and hard hitting but also manages to show off the more melodic side of their sound which creates this perfect balance of the spectrum. Shine Forever is the repackage title track and this still holds up as one of my favourite title tracks from them. While leaning more on the EDM/pop spectrum, it manages to be just as intense and also dramatic which makes it stand out among the other title tracks done before.

While most of the album follows a similar soundscape, each song is still unique and distinct from each other. Ready Or Not, Oi and Calm Down are some of the songs with the signature Monsta X style which are more hardcore and intense but executed in different ways. Gravity, Last Page and I’ll Be There are more on the slower side of the album with each having a completely different approach to the slow style. Gravity is more of a chill and laid back song that is still upbeat to a sense while Last Page and I’ll Be There follows more of normal pop ballads but the former is much more mellow and sadder while the latter is meant to be more upbeat.

Need U and All I Do follow the R&B style of song but as always these are both executed in different ways. The former is more of a normal R&B pop song and the latter is mostly funk sprinkled with elements of R&B. Incomparable and Miss You, which are both my favourite songs on the album, are both the unique songs of the album despite having elements mentioned before. Incomparable is an R&B styled song that has the instrumentation and production of an EDM/pop song which adds an interesting twist to the listening experience. Miss You is also an EDM/pop song but is meant to be more emotional and mellow in its writing yet has an impactful production behind it.

Monsta X has always produced amazing music and albums and this album is the perfect collection of what their sound is and what they’re capable of. It is hard to find an album that perfectly captures the essence of a band this well and this album does just that which is what makes it my top album of the year.

This list took a while to create despite having all the albums sorted out. Reasons can range from having too much to say or just simply writer’s block at times but I have finally powered through. While I do have the listing for 2018 ready, I will take a break from this before I decide to fully commit to that again. As always in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night.

